Monday, July 14, 2008

More EAP and Pre-DEP classes and a PD session

Friday 11 July 2008

Since it's my last day at Nathan with EAP classes, I decided to observe more classes from different teachers. I went to another EAP class with a male teacher. I found that students, especially male students, were more relaxed and both teachers and students were relaxed and friendly with each other. It's also because of the fact that he has been teaching them for 10 weeks now. Anyway, the teacher always asked them lots of questions and asked for logical reasons for their answers. This I think the teacher wanted to be certain that they understood. Then, a couple of students had to give a presentation (just like the other EAP class). Here, the teacher wrote down words that the speakers had difficulties with pronouncing them; then, after each speaker finished, he asked the whole class to repeat the words. What I would do further is to perhaps also give some feedback on their presentation skills.

In the afternoon, we had a PD session on Islam in the West: Challenges and Opportunities. I thought the topic was very interesting. The speaker, one of the staff member in Help Program, talked about how we, as teachers and Australian citizens, could do to help make Islamic students, and others in general, feel welcome and be part of the society or be as other human beings. What teachers could do is to understand their culture and be mindful of what we do in and out side the classroom. However, no matter what ethical background all of us have, we should all think about other's first and stay conscious to whatever we do. It's also a two-way thing, as one teacher brought up during the discussion. They also should try to open themselves, learn new cultures and try to get the best out of it while they are studying here without interfering or giving up their own identity.

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