Wednesday, August 19, 2009

International Conference on "Reading Literacy for Quality Education"

There will be an international conference co-hosted by International Reading Association, International Development in Asia Committee, Thailand Reading Association, Thailand Development Foundation, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of Non-Formal Education, Office of the Basic Education Commission, Ministry of Education and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration on Reading Literacy for Quality Education. The conference will be held on 1-2 October 2009 at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

Our keynote speakers are Professor Dr. Patricia A. Edwards, Professor of Language and Literacy at Michigan State University International Reading Association, President-Elect 2009-2010.

Professor Dr. Kriengsak Chareonwongsak, President of the Instute of Future Studies for Development, will give a talk on "Reading for Developing Quality of Life". In addition, there are other professors,such as Prof.Dr. Debra P. Price, Prof.Dr. Mary E.Robbins and Assoc.Prof.Leonard G. Breen, from Sam Houston State University to share the best practices in promoting reading quality

Certainly, I myself was invited to be an MC at the event!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Morning Talk: Women's Leadership in the Changing World

July 31, 2009

I was invited as an MC for the a special morning talk at Sripatum University called "Morning Talk at Sripatum University." Morning Talk is actually a TV program on air for more than 16 years to viewers throughout Thailand and across the globe, covering about 170 countries through the Thai Global Network (TGN). It's a variety English TV talk show hosted by five presenters from various field of works, leading by Dr. Valerie McKenzie, who is the anchor and lead presenter of the programme. (for more information about the program go to

The special morning talk at Sripatum today was organized by the Office of International Relations under the lead of Mrs. Chinda Tejavanija Chang, Director of Sripatum International College and Director of International Relations Office, Sripatum University and, and with the great and professional assistance from her staff including Ajarn Vorasuang Duangchinda and Ajarn Duangdao Artsomboon. The rationale behind this project was to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Sirikit's birthday and to commemorate Mother's Day of Thailand (Aug 12, 2009). This project was set to advance knowledge and skill of Thai women, and unite them for the future of Thailand, to make sure that women is equally recognized as men, to promote beautiful culture and tradition of being real Thai female and to elevate level of working capacity for Thai women.

As a novice in my teaching profession, I was so very blessed to be able to not just listen but to learn how to become successful. I guess these days, how to make women leadership visible is out of question; instead, how to retain the leadership and earn respect from men in the professional world are to focus! From listening to four leading and powerful women from public sector to media and educational sectors, I truly learned a whole lot and would like to share with others as well.

Khun Chantra Purnariksha, Secretary-General of Office of Insurance Commission, emphasised that we, as women, should always act like a lady yet be tough to ourselves in making things better and proving our leadership. She also stated that a good female should be open-minded and the most important thing is "No one is better than others, we should work as a team" and the other thing is "work hard, study hard and dedicate to the work you do."

The second speaker was Dr. Valerie MeKenzie, Top female executive at the International level, and Host of "Morning Talk" TV program, suggested some remarkable points of what make women become successful. She stated that women should be determined, be what they are and be sincere of who they are, be honest, open, understand and look beyond where they could be, believe in themselves, and, particularly for Thais, they shouldn't lose their nationality and the good traits that they have as Thai women.

The third speaker was Dr. Junya Pookayaporn, Assitant of the President of Sripatum University, and Leader in University Social Responsibility (USR). She coined down the word obtacles of being a leading woman as "challenges." She concentrated on positive thinking and compassion. Woman and us all should give compassion to ourselves and to others.