Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kangaroos in the Zoo with "Tookie"!

Hit Play to see my clip...very cute!

Off I went downtown on the wet Saturday morning to our meeting point in front of Hungry Jack's (known as Burger King's)to go to Lone Pine Zoo. It was spectacular. Now, let's learn more a bit about kangaroos sourced from

Kangaroos,Scientific Name is Macropus rufus, and wallabies belong to a group of animals called macropods. The word macropod means "large-footed" animal. Macropods vary in size from the Parma wallaby weighing about 3 kg (7lb) to the red kangaroo weighing up to 85kg (188lb).

They have powerful legs that act like springs, big feet to help them hop and a long tail to help them balance. The larger kangaroo species can jump up to 3m high (10 feet) and 9m (30 feet) long with one bounce and hop as fast as 70 km/hr (44 mph).

The differences between kangaroos and wallabies include kangaroos being bigger in size and the base of their tail is thick unlike the long, thin tail of the wallaby.

The Red Kangaroo is the largest marsupial in the world. Males are larger than females standing a massive two metres tall and weighing approximately 85kg. The female is often called the "blue flyer" because of her blue-grey fur.

Food: Grasses and green herbage.

Breeding: A single young is born at anytime of the year. The joey remains in the pouch for eight months and continues to suckle until twelve months of age. Weaning occurs at eighteen months of age.

Habitat: Mulga and mallee scrub and deserts of mainland Australia. Absent from the wetter areas of eastern, northern and south-western Australia.

G'Day Mates!!! :)

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