Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fun activities at English Camp for high school students

Liberal Arts, Sripatum University, was hired by Rattanakosinsompoat-Saraya in Nakornpathom province to run an English camp for their students in the Gifted Program. There were about 80 students participating the camp organized by me, others faculty members, foreign teachers, and student staff. The camp was held at Sripatum University on March 7-8, 2009. The purposes of this camp initiated by the high school teacher were to help their students to become better in English and get exposed to a university setting. The camp was very successful because all of the students had a great time and learned more vocabulary words and practiced their listening and speaking skills. They enjoyed the games tremendously; therefore, I would like to share them with others.

Games Descriptions

“Fastest is the Winner”
Work with your team, and think fast!
Find words and the meaning to be the winner!

“Game Zone”
How good is your acting? You’ll need to mime the vocabulary for your friends to guess! Funny gesture and movements will help you win!

“Eng & Art”
How is your drawing? You will need to draw funny pictures about vocabulary for your team to win!
Unity, teamwork and enjoyment are the idea of this game!

“Find It”
Can you speak English? This game has you speaking and listening. Saying words clearly can help your team win! Work with your team and enjoy speaking!

“Don’t Stop the Music”
Can you sing? Enjoy English songs and music. Recognize lyrics and tunes and see if your friends can guess the songs.

“What is it?”
How good is your vocabulary? This game aims to test your vocabulary skills. You will be asked to look at some drawings and guess the vocabulary words.

Give me a name- Or “Hangman”
It is simply the hangman game. Each group has to compete over vocabulary hidden on the chart provided.

“Gossip Game”
This game is to practice your listening and speaking. One student in each group will hear phrases or sentences and has to pass them along to his or her friends by whispering and last student in the group will have to say it out loud correctly.